Thursday, June 11, 2020

7 kilograms in quarantine!

My life has never been easy. I always worked hard, studied constantly even though I am older than 45, finishing second university and preparing to attend to a third one.
But I never experienced such a stressed time. The feeling of uncertainty, fear and urge to eat more have never been that immense. I was a good cook and my wife always loved the food that I cook, which makes me the number one cook :)
They say you cannot teach an old dog new tricks but it is always possible. Yet I remember I was teaching my dog even when he was way too old to learn. I learned to make sourdough a few years ago. It is both fun cooking it and eating it with some decent olive oil and cheese. Here are a few pictures of what I used to cook.

This year I cooked an Easter Bread. I ate such a nice and fluffy Easter Bread only in good patisseries. Here you can see it before cooked.
And this is how it looks like after 30 minutes of cooking in the oven.

This cup-cake-like salty cakes are called Poacha (Poğaça) in Turkish and my father-in-law does not want to eat shop made ones anymore.

After working with sourdough that much, I decided to cook new loafs of bread, make it bigger. Because, erm, why not! (Warum nicht! :)

It would be incomplete if there were no pepperoni pizza. So I cooked it too.

Whenever I ask myself how did I put on 7 kilos (almost 15 pounds) I will come back here and check the pictures, remember why and just sigh.

Oh, by the way, it would never have been possible to put on that much weight in a short time without the help of beer. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks delicious! I gained three pounds just looking at the photos.😊


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